    It's a little concerning to me that most of our society is outraged over Twinkies a lot more than they are about their effects on the changing environment. In one of my Environmental Studies classes, a philosophy course called Environmental Ethics (awesome class by the way), we read a book called A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. Leopold suggested that personal experience in nature initiates a deep connection and compassion towards the environment. 
    Maybe reason I care about climate change and other environmental issues is because of the amount of time I spend interacting with it. I'm sure most of you know how obsessed I am with my horse! I could literally spend all day every day out at the barn with him and my barn friends. Epic (my horse) and I love to ride out on the trails and interact with nature, even if it means being surprised by a terrifying bunch of deer that jump out of the brush in front of us... It's a good laugh afterwards at least. 
    Who knows if my love for animals and outdoorsy activities is the cause of my advocacy for reducing our impact on the climate? Maybe it's just one small factor. However, I think that understanding the roots of our love for a not too appetizing pastry (in my opinion) as opposed to our indifference on the future of our climate is something to be looked into. What do you think? How can we make people care about something arguably more important than Twinkies?

So if you haven't heard or logged onto facebook in the last month, it's Election Day! Go out and vote for issues that are important to you!

One of the most important factors in my decision today was the future of our country's energy. Check out this PSU professor's argument. What do you think?