Today, right before the Youth meeting started, I was approached by a young woman who kindly asked if she could ask me a question. Of course I said yes.  She wanted to know how I thought we could communicate better about climate change.  I didn’t answer for a moment because I was thinking about what I had talked about previously in my classes as well as with my colleagues.  Then I answered her.  I said I think we need to try something different.  We can no long just rely on the normal ways of communication for this topic.  People do not read enough or care enough right now to read about climate change.  We need to be able to put the messages out in a different way.  Maybe art or music could grab the attention of someone, especially the younger generations, and make them think about what they just saw or heard.

This reminded me of a paper I wrote for my Independent Study with Dr. Husic.  It was about environmental writings through the ages and at the end she asked me to try to answer a question for my final paper. The question was very close to the one the woman today asked me but instead of just being about climate change, Dr. Husic, asked about environmental communication of the 21st century in general  and how we could convey the problems, ideas, and solutions better.  Here is a small excerpt from my 10 page paper about art: People say picture are worth a thousand words right?  So if pictures and paintings were created relating to issues, such as pollution, population, contamination, and climate change,  then maybe people would stop, take a glance, and soak in a few of those one thousand words.  And if those few words were enough to grab someone’s attention and make them think about their actions and how they are contributing to the problem depicted in the picture, enough for them to make a conscious effort to change, then that piece of art was a success.  And the message may have been able to reach someone., which could have to possibility to reach more. 

Please give me your ideas of how you think we can reach out to more people about the issues of climate change and what we can do to help.  I am curious and excited to hear what you think. 

11/27/2012 10:14:44 am

Know anybody who lacks opportunities to get off the grid? Take them on a field trip to nature! One of the greater issues in my opinion is the dissociation many of us feel between ourselves the natural world. How can we feel strongly about the health of the environment when we are never exposed to it? When we become detached from nature we lose sight of how dependent we actually are on the environment. A healthy human needs a healthy Earth after all!

Chealsa Mooney
11/30/2012 05:28:22 am

I never really thought about how to communicate better about climate change. I only ever thought that communicating about climate change was through your writing and words. So when I read this blog I thought that the idea of communicating better through pictures, like art would really capture people's attention and have them think about what is going on. I think the way to get through to people these days is through things like art and music because that is what people can relate to, it makes them think about the stuff in their lives.

12/1/2012 01:02:57 am

Take them to places where Sandy hit. Bloomberg said it himself


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