As I was looking through the tweets on 
Christiana Figueres twitter page (yes she has one and yes I read it) I came across an interesting article, Thawing of Permafrost Expected to Cause Significant Additional Global Warming, Not yet Accounted for in Climate Predictions.  The northern hemisphere is covered by about a quarter of permafrost, which contains about 1,700 gigtonnes of carbon (this is twice that in the atmosphere now).  If the thawing accelerates as expected due to our increasing temperatures, these permafrost areas will start to release all that carbon! In addition their melting will drastically change ecosystems and as well it has the potential to cause lots of infrastructure damage due to the unstable melting ground.  Its pretty interesting.  I suggest you read the full article 

11/30/2012 12:22:59 am

Wow, really interesting article! This is definitely a factor in climate change that many people do not consider, if they have even heard about it at all. All of your posts and pictures have made me so anxious to get there already! Haha


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